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Barn Owl conservation: Numeracy educational resources

Lesson ideas and downloadable worksheets

These materials can be photocopied for use in schools on the understanding that they are copyright of the Barn Owl Trust. We also have resources for science and literacy.

  • Owly addition!
  • Owly multiplication!
  • Owls eat and farmers wheat!
  • Create a Barn Owl habitat map!
  • How far does the Barn Owl fly?
  • Areas and perimeters!

Owly addition!

Our farm has 3 sites where Barn Owls live. Can you add up how many adults and babies there are? How many owls are there in total. A simple addition worksheet for early maths.

Download the How many owls worksheet.

Maths How Many Owls

Owly multiplication!

Barn Owls eat small mammals like voles, mice and shrews. How many do they need to catch each night to make sure they won’t be hungry? How many do they need to catch to feed their baby owlets too? A simple multiplication worksheet for early maths.

Download the How much food worksheet.

Maths How Much Food

Owls eat and farmers wheat!

One hundred years ago farm fields were much smaller than they are now. Farms with lots of small fields with a mixture of arable land for growing wheat and grassland areas were perfect for Barn Owls. On our farm there are 3 sites where Barn Owls live. Use the worksheets below to find out how many owls there are living on the farm. Feeling like a challenge? Can you calculate how much space is used for growing wheat and how much wheat the farmer produces in the year? Advanced level worksheets using a variety of mathematical processes.

Download the Barn Owls and small mammals KS2 worksheet.
Download the How much wheat KS2 advanced worksheet.

Maths Small Mammals
Maths How Much Wheat

Create a Barn Owl habitat map!

Maps are a really great way of showing all the different features in an area. Test your map skills with our coordinate worksheet! Use the grid references to plot points onto your map and create a symbol to show that feature. Can you work out the coordinates for other features on the map? Remember the rhyme “go along the corridor before you climb the stairs” to help you! There are two different worksheets – letters and numbers are used for lower KS2 and just numbers are used for upper KS2.

Download the Using coordinates (lower KS2) worksheet.
Download the Using coordinates (upper KS2) worksheet.

Maths Using Coordinates

How far does the Barn Owl fly?

Barn Owls have a huge home range. They have favourite places to roost and nest and know the best places to hunt for prey. Measure how far they have to fly to get to different places on the farm. How far is it between their favourite roosts – the barn and hollow tree? Where would be the best place to nest that is furthest from the road? A scale has been included so the level can be adapted to suit KS1 or KS2.

Download the Measuring distances worksheet.

Maths Measuring Distances

Areas and perimeters!

Fields come in all shapes and sizes. It’s important for farmers to know exactly how much space they have to grow crops or graze animals. Can you calculate the area of each of these fields? The perimeters of the fields provide excellent hunting grounds for Barn Owls. What is the perimeter of each of these fields? How much field margin do the Barn Owls have to hunt along in total?

Download the Areas and perimeters worksheet.

Maths Area And Perimeter