Dot-to-dot Barn Owl puzzle

Printable owl puzzle
To complete the puzzle, print the page, and join up the dots from 1 to 45, then have fun colouring in this beautiful Barn Owl picture.
Where do you think this Barn Owl is perched? He could be in an old barn, or on a post in a farmyard, or in a huge old gnarled tree.
Draw the background too!
*Printable puzzle pages available free for personal and educational use only.
If you send your drawing to the Barn Owl Trust we put our favourites in our ‘Owlet’ Kid’s Art Gallery!
To send your Owl picture:
Scan your completed Barn Owl puzzle and email it to or
Post your owl artwork to the Barn Owl Trust, Waterleat, Ashburton, Devon TQ13 7HU.
If you would like your work credited, please send us your first name, age and the name of your nearest town, area, or the name of your school. Thank you!