How to build a pole-mounted Barn Owl nestbox
A Barn Owl nestbox mounted on a pole may be the only option if there are no suitable buildings or trees around.
More about nestboxes on a pole.
Our recommended deep nestbox features an exercise platform that goes all the way around, providing maximum safety for emerging young.
How to choose the best nestbox design.
How to make a Barn Owl pole nestbox – step by step photo instructions:
The cutting plan (see polebox webpage for measurements)
The joint along the bottom of the Inspection Hatch must be ‘weather-sealed’ e.g. with Ever-build weather-mate
We use pressure treated FSC-approved 12 mm softwood ply
The battens are 25x50mm pressure treated FSC-approved softwood
The vertical battens stop the ladder sliding to one side while the exercise platform is being fitted.
The internal battens at the bottom take the floor screws
The floor is thicker – 18mm plywood
The roof sections can be waterproofed or felted
The Exercise Platform is made in 2 halves that slide together after the box is erected
The Roost Area partition and floor.
Attach the Roost Area to the end that has the Inspection Hatch
Now attach the floor to the other end using 40 or 50mm screws
Now attach the other end. Use plenty of screws!
Weather-proof sealant MUST be applied before attaching the sides
Position the side and screw to the end using 50mm screws.
Screw up through the foor and into the sides
Screw through the sides into the Roost Area partition
Using 80mm screws, attched the 50x50mm apex timber
Use 50mm screws to attach the roof sections
Use plenty of screws!
If you are not going to felt the box, seal the top with a strip of aluminium
Parts of the Exercise Platform. Notice the way the 50×50 pieces are rebated.
Use 40mm screws straight or 50mm screws at a slight angle.
Now attach the longer end pieces…
…then the short lengths
Then the three battens (the ones under his hand)
Slide the first half on to the box to check it fits easily.
Then slide on the second half. The slats are important for fast drainage.
Now attached the side battens to one half only so you can slide both halves off again
Once the box is erected (on a pole) you screw the side battens to both halves