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Owl Aid Gifts


A special gift to show you really care!

Ensures that 100% of your gift helps owls

Minimum £7*

Owl Aid helps injured, wild Barn Owls

Every year the Trust receives hundreds of calls about wild Barn Owls and other owls that are starving or injured, and in need of specialist attention. Each call can potentially end up costing the Trust hundreds of pounds before a solution is reached. Your help is essential to the survival of these beautiful birds.

Help us care for injured wild Barn Owls with this unique Owl Aid Gift.

  • £7 feeds an owl for a week
  • £15 pays for a course of antibiotics
  • £25 covers the fuel for a trip to the vet
  • £50 helps prevent owlets falling from a nest
  • £100 contributes to the annual upkeep of our owl sanctuary
  • £250 contributes to the full rehabilitation and release of a wild, injured owl
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Gift Certificate

We can send your personalised Owl Aid Gift Certificate with a thank you letter, by post or email – using email means more of your donation helps owls.

Gift Aid 

You can increase the value of your donation, at no cost to you!

If you are a UK taxpayer, any donation you make can be increased by 25p for every £1 when you complete a Gift Aid Declaration. That means that if you donate £7, the Trust actually gets £8.75!

If you’re making a donation online, please tick the Gift Aid box on the checkout page.

Give an Owl Aid Gift now

Choose your own donation amount (£7 minimum)

– no card fees means we can use all of your donation to care for owls

– with a credit and debit card donation

Alternative Gift options

Why not Adopt a Barn Owl or make your friend a Friend of the Barn Owl Trust.
We also offer a range of exclusive and unusual ethical and eco-friendly gifts in our Barn Owl themed shop.