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Wildlife Diary

The 26 acre Lennon Legacy Project was purchased in 2001 with a generous legacy from the late Vivien Lennon. This unique nature reserve includes part of the River Ashburn which runs through a woodland valley, on the edge of Dartmoor in Devon, where the Barn Owl Trust offices are based. Creating rough grassland, re-creating hedge banks, planting an orchard, building a wildlife tower and stone banks, plus two wildlife ponds has hugely increased the biodiversity of this varied landscape.

The Wildlife Diary began in January 2007 and each year has a monthly record of some of the events and happenings at the time – new species recorded, practical work carried out, weather conditions – all accompanied by photos. 

You can experience the LLP wildlife haven by coming along to one of our Seasonal Guided Walks or a Barn Owl Trust Talk hosted in our Meeting Room. See our Events Diary for details. (Booked events only – the project is not open to visitors at other times.)

Read the full Lennon Legacy Project story.

Wildlife Diary July 2024

Wildlife Diary July 2024

A Butterfly Walk on the afternoon of the 2nd revealed more Butterflies than during June but numbers are extremely, and worryingly, low compared to other years. Species spotted included Small and Large Skippers, Marbled Whites, Ringlet, Meadow Browns and one...

Wildlife Diary June 2024

Wildlife Diary June 2024

The month began dry, and the Lesser Stitchwort and Birdsfoot Trefoil had begun flowering in the grassland alongside the Germander Speedwell. The Skylark was seen and heard again on the 1st over the Main Field. On the 2nd a Heron was seen on the river below the top...

Wildlife Diary May 2024

Wildlife Diary May 2024

The first Crosswort was seen flowering in the Main Field on the 1st of the month. The Orchid patch was still looking magnificent as were the Bluebells and the large patches of Greater Stitchwort in the rough grass. Three Wood Mice and a Slow worm were found when...

Wildlife Diary April 2024

Wildlife Diary April 2024

A Mandarin Drake was in the pool above the top bridge in Corner Wood on the 1st. On the 2nd there was a pair there and a Wood Mouse under the corrugated sheet nearest to the Top Field Shelter. The Mouse was there again on the 3rd and the 4thand has built a nest.  A...

Wildlife Diary March 2024

Wildlife Diary March 2024

Blackthorn was blossoming in the Pennsland Lane hedge on the 1st, a week after the Blackthorn in the Kiln Close hedge started. Mowing of the winter bird food crop continued and whilst driving the tractor, David saw a Shrew and two Field Voles, one taken by a Buzzard....

Wildlife Diary February 2024

Wildlife Diary February 2024

We very rarely see Rabbits on the LLP despite them being often seen on neighbouring land in the valley. Most of their signs are droppings on the path in the Main Field near the First Field Shelter. However, Mateo spotted quite a few at night with the thermal imager in...

Wildlife Diary January 2024

Wildlife Diary January 2024

We began the month as we ended December – unusually mild, wet and windy with the first 4-days bringing a total of 106.6mm of rain. On the 7th the temperature dropped dramatically, and we had frost and ice. The ground at the top of the Main Field and through all the...

Wildlife Diary 2023

Wildlife Diary 2023

December On the 4th, 8 Redwing were seen in the Pennsland Hedge. There were 2 Reed Bunting, 7 Linnet, 20 Chaffinch and 20 Goldfinch moving between the hedge and the wild bird food crop. A Sparrowhawk passed over the crop and a...

Wildlife Diary 2022

Wildlife Diary 2022

December The first day of the month was dry and Matt showed Harry how to prune the apple trees in Forde Orchard and then marked out the area for the third Field Shelter. After last month’s almost continuous rain the first half of the month was almost dry, but...